Science and Research and Development

  • Report

    Alternative Approaches to Reducing Prescription Drug Prices

    CBO discusses prescription drug prices and approaches aimed at reducing those prices. Some of the approaches would cap prices or limit their growth, and other approaches would promote price competition or affect the flow of information.

  • Report

    Budgeting for Federal Investment

    This report examines approaches to budgeting that would distinguish expenditures for investment in physical capital, education, and research and development from other expenditures.

  • Report

    Federal Policies in Response to Declining Entrepreneurship

    CBO examines the falloff in entrepreneurship, its potential economic consequences, factors that have contributed to it, and ways that federal policies could be changed to reverse the trend.

  • Report

    Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2019 to 2028

    CBO periodically issues a volume of options—this year’s installment presents 121—that would decrease federal spending or increase federal revenues. CBO’s website allows users to filter options by topic, date, and other categories.

  • Report

    Federal Policies and Innovation

    The federal government influences innovation through two broad channels: spending and tax policies, and the legal and regulatory systems. Policymakers have a number of options for spurring additional innovation.

  • Report

    Effects of Federal Tax Credits for the Purchase of Electric Vehicles

    CBO's report assesses how the credits affect the relative cost of owning an electric vehicle, and how cost-effectively the credits reduce gasoline consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Report

    Federal Efforts to Reduce the Cost of Capturing and Storing Carbon Dioxide

    CBO’s analysis suggests that the projected high cost of using CCS means that current federal programs are unlikely to support widespread use of the technology. The study discusses several other options that lawmakers might consider.