Public Law 117-169 as enacted on August 16, 2022
- Cost Estimate
As Passed by the Senate on August 7, 2022
- Cost Estimate
As Passed by the Senate on August 7, 2022
- Cost Estimate
As amended in the nature of a substitute (ERN22410) and posted on the website of the Senate Majority Leader on August 6, 2022
- Cost Estimate
As Amended in the Nature of a Substitute (ERN22335) and Posted on the Website of the Senate Majority Leader on July 27, 2022
- Cost Estimate
As Posted by the Senate Committee on Finance on July 6, 2022
- Report
In a response to Congressman Palmer, CBO summarizes its recent analysis of the costs of making permanent some of the policies in the Build Back Better Act.
- Report
CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation project the budgetary effects, including the effects on interest costs, of a modified version of H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, that would make various policies permanent rather than temporary.
- Report
CBO responds to a question from Senator Schumer about its analysis of the costs of making permanent some of the provisions of the Build Back Better Act.
- Cost Estimate
Letter to the Honorable John Yarmuth
- Blog Post
CBO releases slides about policies in the Build Back Better Act: expanding subsidized child care and providing universal preschool; offering family and medical leave; expanding certain services in Medicaid; and redesigning Medicare Part D.
- Report
CBO estimates that the funding for tax enforcement activities provided by H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, would increase outlays by $80 billion and revenues by $207 billion, thus decreasing the deficit by $127 billion, through 2031.