CBO periodically issues a compendium of policy options and their estimated effects on the federal budget. This report presents 76 options for altering spending or revenues to reduce federal budget deficits over the next decade.
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CBO analyzes how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac achieve their housing goals by offering discounts on their standard fees for mortgages that meet the goals’ requirements and charging higher fees for mortgages that do not meet the requirements.
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CBO discusses the outlook for housing starts over the next 30 years—that is, the number of new single-family and multifamily housing units on which construction will be started—and describes the methodology behind its projections.
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CBO analyzes recent changes in property insurance markets and considers alternative insurance products as well as policy approaches to increase the availability and affordability of insurance for homeowners and renters.
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CBO examines how the share of properties at risk of flooding that are covered by policies purchased through the National Flood Insurance Program varies across communities with different economic and demographic characteristics.
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CBO describes the role of Federal Home Loan Banks (a government-sponsored enterprise) in financial markets, their financial condition, the value of the federal subsidies they receive, and the risks they pose.
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CBO compares the housing standards used to determine the military’s basic allowance for housing (BAH) with the housing rented by comparable civilians. CBO also compares BAH rates with the rental costs paid by those civilians.
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CBO estimates the flood damage homes with federally backed mortgages are expected to face in multiyear periods centered on 2020 and 2050, reflecting the effects of climate change. The agency also analyzes where that damage is concentrated.
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CBO issues a volume that contains short descriptions of 59 policy options that would each reduce the federal budget deficit by less than $300 billion over the next 10 years.
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CBO describes the Housing Trust Fund's and Capital Magnet Fund's income, spending, and budgetary impact, how their grants are used in the production of low-income housing, and how the funds compare with other support for affordable housing.
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CBO describes VA’s mortgage guarantee program, provides estimates of the budgetary costs of the program, and compares those costs with expenditures for other federal guarantees.
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CBO examines how recapitalizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through administrative actions would affect such factors as CBO’s budget projections and cash flows between the two enterprises and their shareholders, including the Treasury.
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In this report, CBO examines how FHA’s Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program works, how it affects the federal budget, and how various policy approaches might reduce costs and risks to the government or to borrowers.
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CBO analyzes four alternative structures for the secondary mortgage market, in which the government would play varying roles in guaranteeing mortgage-backed securities, and provides estimates of federal costs under each approach.
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CBO reviews Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s program to transfer some of the credit risk of their guarantees to investors and analyzes two approaches for expanding those efforts.
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CBO analyzes options to reduce FHA’s exposure to risk from its program to guarantee single-family mortgages, including creating a larger role for private lenders and restricting the availability of FHA’s guarantees.
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In this report, CBO analyzes a policy that would allow Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase their capital by reducing their payments to the government and discusses the effects that it would have on the budget and the mortgage market.