Explaining Analytical Methods
- Report
Unemployment Insurance: Budgetary History and Projections
CBO examines trends in revenues and outlays associated with unemployment insurance and provides information about how CBO treats that program in its baseline projections and cost estimates.
- Report
Comparing the Compensation of Federal and Private-Sector Employees in 2022
Compared with private-sector employees, the average compensation costs for federal employees in 2022 were greater among workers whose education culminated in a bachelor’s degree or less, but lower among workers with more education.
- Interactive
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income
This interactive tool, updated in January 30, 2024, allows users to explore how various policies to increase the federal minimum wage would affect earnings, employment, family income, and poverty.
- Presentation
Exploring the Effects of Medicaid During Childhood on the Economy and the Budget
Presentation by Elizabeth Ash, William Carrington, Rebecca Heller, and Grace Hwang of CBO’s Labor, Income Security, and Long-Term Analysis and Health Analysis divisions to the Children’s Health Group, American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Presentation
Approaches to Estimating the Noncyclical Rate of Unemployment
Presentation by Jeffrey Kling, CBO’s Research Director, at the 67th Economic Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
- Working Paper
Exploring the Effects of Medicaid During Childhood on the Economy and the Budget: Working Paper 2023-07
On a present-value basis, CBO estimates that long-term fiscal effects of Medicaid spending on children could offset half or more of the program’s initial outlays, depending on sets of reasonable parameter values.
- Working Paper
The Effects of Work Requirements on the Employment and Income of TANF Participants: Working Paper 2023-03
This working paper examines how Alabama’s recent expansion of its TANF work requirement to the parents of children between the ages of 6 months and 11 months affects their employment and income.
- Working Paper
A Markov-Switching Model of the Unemployment Rate: Working Paper 2022-05
CBO developed a Markov-switching model to help incorporate asymmetric dynamics into macroeconomic projections and cost estimates that require simulations of the national unemployment rate.
- Presentation
Economic Effects of Offering a Federal Paid Family and Medical Leave Program
The Build Back Better Act would establish a program whereby the federal government would provide paid family and medical leave for eligible workers. That program would affect workers, employers, and states.
- Working Paper
Discrete Choice Models for Estimating Labor Supply: Working Paper 2021-04
This paper evaluates discrete choice models as tools for analyzing the effects of tax and transfer policies on labor supply.