Organization and Staffing

CBO's organization consists of the Office of the Director and 10 divisions.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate jointly appoint CBO's Director, after considering recommendations from the two Budget Committees. Directors are appointed for four-year terms and may be reappointed to the position; in addition, a Director serving at the expiration of a term may continue to serve until a successor is appointed. The Budget Act specifies that CBO's Director is to be chosen without regard to political affiliation. The agency has had 10 Directors and several Acting Directors.

The rest of CBO's staff is appointed by the Director solely on the basis of professional competence, without regard to political affiliation. The agency has about 275 staff members, mostly economists or public policy analysts with advanced degrees. The agency also employs lawyers, information technology specialists, editors, and people with other areas of expertise that contribute to the agency's mission. Many of them have extensive experience in their subject areas, including years of work at CBO.

CBO's collegial work environment and flat organizational structure foster collaboration and teamwork across and within divisions. For example, reports produced by analysts in several divisions rely on economic projections prepared by the Macroeconomic Analysis Division and on cost estimates and budget projections developed by the Budget Analysis and Tax Analysis Divisions. Similarly, budget projections and cost estimates prepared by the Budget Analysis and Tax Analysis Divisions draw on models and analyses produced by other divisions.

Office of the Director

CBO's Director leads the agency and is supported in that effort by a group of senior staff, members of the Office of General Counsel, and members of the Office of Legislative and Public Affairs.

Biographies and Staff Listings

Phillip L. Swagel became the 10th Director of the Congressional Budget Office on June 3, 2019, and on July 27, 2023, he was appointed to a second term in office. Previously, he was a professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy and a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the Milken Institute. He has also taught at Northwestern University, the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, and Georgetown University. His research has involved financial market reform, international trade policy, and China’s role in the global economy.

From 2006 to 2009, Dr. Swagel was Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the Treasury Department, where he was responsible for analysis of a wide range of economic issues, including policies relating to the financial crisis and the Troubled Asset Relief Program. He has also served as chief of staff and senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisers in the White House and as an economist at the Federal Reserve Board and the International Monetary Fund. He earned his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and his A.B. in economics from Princeton University.

Chief Economist

Mark Doms joined CBO as Chief Economist in 2020. He has examined a wide variety of topics throughout his career, including macroeconomics, financial markets, labor, productivity, and economic measurement. He has been a senior fellow at the Center for International Governance Innovation, a senior economist at Nomura Securities, Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce, Chief Economist in that department, a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, an economist at the Federal Reserve Board, and an economist at the Census Bureau. His research has been published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Political Economy, and elsewhere. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a B.A. from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel

Mark Hadley served as CBO’s Deputy Director from 2016 through 2019. Before then, he was CBO’s general counsel for nearly eight years. In that capacity, he oversaw the agency’s legal work, ethics program, and acquisitions. He had advanced from the post of deputy general counsel. Before that, he was a transactional lawyer with Jones Day, a large international law firm, where he specialized in structured finance and derivatives. Prior to his legal career, he was an associate analyst at CBO for five years—during which time his areas of responsibility were aviation, deposit insurance, and commerce—and a financial specialist with the Small Business Administration. He has a master’s degree in public affairs from the Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin and a J.D. (with high honors) from the George Washington University Law School. He also serves as the chair of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Working Party of Parliamentary Budget Officials and Independent Fiscal Institutions.

Research Director

Jeffrey Kling is an economist who served as Associate Director for Economic Analysis at CBO from 2009 through 2019. Previously, he was a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a faculty member at Princeton University. His research has been published in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, and elsewhere. He earned his Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his A.B. from Harvard University.

Director of Legislative and Public Affairs

Leigh Angres is CBO’s Director of Legislative and Public Affairs, overseeing the agency’s Congressional relations and media strategy and initiatives. Before taking on that role in 2024, she was the Director of Legislative Affairs for nine years and Special Assistant to the Director for five. Prior to joining the Director’s office in 2009, she was an analyst in the Budget Analysis Division, preparing cost estimates for legislation involving deposit insurance, the U.S. court system, and Department of Justice programs. In earlier government service, she worked as a budget analyst in the Department of Justice’s Civil Division, preparing the agency’s appropriation requests. She earned her M.P.P. from the University of California at Berkeley and her A.B. from Duke University.

Director Phillip L. Swagel
Director of Legislative and Public Affairs Leigh Angres
Chief Economist Mark Doms
Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel Mark Hadley
Research Director Jeffrey Kling
Chief of Media Relations Caitlin Emma
Executive Assistant - Directors Office Brianne Hutchinson
General Counsel Mark Hadley
Deputy General Counsel Kevin Laden
Senior Counsel Kaetochi Okemgbo
Senior Ethics Officer Chayim Rosito
Paralegal Emma Kugelmass

Budget Analysis Division

The Budget Analysis Division produces baseline projections of federal spending, publishes cost estimates for nearly every bill approved by Congressional committees, and fulfills thousands of requests for technical assistance as committees are considering which legislation to advance. The cost estimates include estimates not only of the effects of the legislation on the federal budget but also assessments of the costs imposed on state, local, and tribal governments and on the private sector.

In addition, the division also makes key contributions to many of CBO's analytic reports and works on:

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of Budget Analysis

Chad Chirico is the Director of Budget Analysis at CBO. He guides and contributes to analyses that are critical to the legislative processes of the Congress—including projections of federal spending for the current year and the next 10 years under current laws and policies for about 1,000 budget accounts covering all federal activities, tallies of federal spending throughout the year, about 600 to 800 cost estimates (most of which include estimates of the cost of federal mandates on state, local, and tribal governments) each year for legislation approved by committees, and thousands of requests for technical assistance for legislation under consideration.

He came to CBO in 2001 to join what was then the Human Resources Cost Estimates Unit. As an analyst, he was responsible for cost estimates and baseline projections for federal housing programs and worked on a wide range of federal credit policies. In 2014, he became the head of the Low-Income Health Programs and Prescription Drugs Cost Estimates Unit. In that capacity, he oversaw the division’s analysis related to Medicaid, employment-based health insurance, the health insurance marketplaces, the Food and Drug Administration, and public health programs. In 2023, he was promoted to be one of two deputies in the Budget Analysis Division; in that position, he helped manage the division’s work on various topics, including health, defense, international affairs, and veterans’ issues.

Before coming to CBO, he was a consultant for Ernst and Young and Quadel Consulting, working principally on housing and real estate finance issues and on budget preparation. He graduated from Dickinson College with a bachelor’s degree in political science and received a master’s degree in public administration, with a focus on public finance, from George Washington University.

Deputy Director of Budget Analysis

Christina Hawley Anthony is one of two deputies in the Budget Analysis Division, where she works with the division’s Director to manage a wide array of topics. She began her career at CBO in 1995 as the unemployment compensation and labor analyst in the division’s Income Security Unit. In 2004, she began splitting her time between that unit and the Projections Unit, as she took on the responsibility of writing major portions of CBO’s Budget and Economic Outlook and Analysis of the President’s Budget. From 2017 to 2023, she was the Chief of the Projections Unit. In that capacity, she managed the development, dissemination, and communication of CBO’s baseline projections. While in that role, she oversaw the creation of a number of interactive tools and infographics to aid in the analysis and communication of budget topics. Before coming to CBO, she served in the State of Maryland’s Federal Relations Office and as a Maryland Governor’s Policy Fellow. She holds a Master of Public Affairs degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor of Arts degree in foreign service from Baylor University, in Waco, Texas.

Deputy Director of Budget Analysis

Sam Papenfuss is one of two deputies in the Budget Analysis Division. In that capacity, he works with the Director of Budget Analysis to manage the division’s work on a wide array of topics, including Social Security, income security, education, immigration, and natural and physical resources. Mr. Papenfuss joined CBO in 1999 as an analyst of military and veterans’ health care. He was responsible principally for the cost estimates and baseline projections for Tricare for Life (the health care program for military retirees who are eligible for Medicare), but also for work involving bioterrorism and international affairs. In 2007, he became the head of the Income Security and Education Cost Estimates Unit. In that post, he oversaw cost estimates and baseline projections for Social Security and for programs providing unemployment insurance, nutrition assistance, and student loans. He also was the primary coordinator for all of the division’s work related to immigration. Mr. Papenfuss graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s degree in economics and pursued doctoral studies in economics at George Mason University, where he completed all of the requirements for his degree except his dissertation.

Director of Budget Analysis Chad Chirico
Deputy Director of Budget Analysis Christina Hawley Anthony
Deputy Director of Budget Analysis Sam Papenfuss
Senior Adviser Ann E. Futrell
Senior Adviser Sarah Masi
Senior Adviser Emily Stern
Editor Kate Kelly
Executive Assistant - BAD Janice M. Johnson
Intern Associate Jonathan Willing
Budget Projections Unit
Chief, Budget Projections Unit Barry Blom
Application and Data Systems Engineer Shane Beaulieu
Analyst Breanna Browne-Pike
Analyst Aaron Feinstein
Analyst Avi Lerner
Analyst Amber Marcellino
Analyst Dan Ready
Programmer/Analyst Hieu Ngo
Defense, International Affairs, and Veterans' Affairs Cost Estimates Unit
Chief of the Defense, International Affairs, and Veterans' Affairs Cost Estimates Unit David Newman
Analyst Sunita D'Monte
Analyst Caroline Dorminey
Analyst Paul B. A. Holland
Analyst William Ma
Analyst Christopher Mann
Analyst Aldo Prosperi
Analyst David Rafferty
Analyst Dawn Sauter Regan
Analyst Matt Schmit
Analyst Logan Smith
Analyst Noah Callahan
Administrative Assistant Brittany Phillips
Finance, Housing, and Education Cost Estimates Unit
Chief of the Finance, Housing, and Education Cost Estimates Unit Justin Humphrey
Analyst Julia Aman
Analyst Jeremy Crimm
Analyst David Hughes
Analyst Leah Koestner
Analyst Jon Sperl
Analyst Zunara Naeem
Analyst Garrett Quenneville
Analyst Margot Berman
Income Security Cost Estimates Unit
Chief, Income Security Cost Estimates Unit Elizabeth Cove Delisle
Analyst Susan Yeh Beyer
Analyst Meredith Decker
Analyst Jennifer Gray
Analyst Justin Latus
Analyst Susanne Mehlman
Analyst Noah Meyerson
Analyst Delaney Smith
Analyst Jada Ho
Low-Income Health Programs and Prescription Drugs Cost Estimates Unit
Chief, Low-Income Health Programs and Prescription Drugs Cost Estimates Unit Sean Dunbar
Analyst Ezra Cohn
Analyst Ryan Greenfield
Analyst Aaron Pervin
Analyst Robert Stewart
Analyst Carolyn Ugolino
Analyst Emily Vreeland
Analyst Amy Zettle
Analyst Jessica Hale
Analyst Cyrus Ekland
Mandates Unit
Chief, Mandates Unit Kathleen FitzGerald
Analyst Rachel Austin
Analyst Andrew Laughlin
Analyst Brandon Lever
Analyst Erich Dvorak
Analyst Grace Watson
Medicare Cost Estimate Unit
Chief, Medicare Cost Estimate Unit Asha Saavoss
Analyst Austin Barselau
Analyst Cornelia Hall
Analyst Hudson Osgood
Analyst Lara Robillard
Analyst Sarah Sajewski
Analyst Noah Zwiefel
Analyst Alexander Gniewecki
Analyst Katherine Kim
Analyst Julia Sheriff
Natural and Physical Resources Cost Estimates Unit
Chief, Natural and Physical Resources Cost Estimates Unit Robert Reese
Analyst Tiffany Arthur
Analyst Aaron Krupkin
Analyst Lilia G. Ledezma
Analyst Erik O'Donoghue
Analyst Matthew Pickford
Analyst Aurora Swanson
Analyst Willow Latham-Proença
Analyst Alaina Rhee
Analyst Kelly Durand
Analyst Emilia Oliva
Analyst Emma Uebelhor
Scorekeeping Unit
Chief, Scorekeeping Unit Megan Carroll
Analyst George McArdle
Analyst Amy McConnel
Analyst Mark Sanford
Analyst Esther Steinbock
Analyst J'nell Blanco Suchy
Analyst Andrea Conine
Analyst Samuel Liedtka
Analyst Youstiena Shafeek

Financial Analysis Division

The policy analyses of the Financial Analysis Division focus on the financial commitments of the federal government, including federal credit and insurance programs and government-sponsored enterprises. The division also provides support throughout CBO for financial valuation and modeling and for projections of financial variables.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of Financial Analysis

Sebastien Gay became CBO’s Director of Financial Analysis in May 2017. He came to the agency in 2016 as an analyst and performed research on federal housing programs and fair-market value analysis. Before joining CBO, he was a Director at Berkeley Research Group, a consulting firm, where he provided independent analysis, expert testimony, and dispute consulting for firms in the financial, health care, and insurance industries, as well as for government. He was also on the faculty at the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago. His research focused on corporate governance, financial risks and disclosures, real estate, health care, and experimental economics. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago, a master’s degree in finance from the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique (ENSAE) ParisTech, and an M.Phil. in law and political science from Sciences Po in Paris.

Director of Financial Analysis Sebastien Gay
Senior Adviser Michael Falkenheim
Analyst Wendy Kiska
Analyst Michael McGrane
Analyst Mitchell Remy
Analyst David Torregrosa
Analyst Byoung Hark Yoo
Analyst Joyce Bai

Health Analysis Division

The Health Analysis Division analyzes a range of federal programs and policies that include Medicare, Medicaid, and subsidies provided through health insurance exchanges. The division produces reports on a range of policy issues and plays a key role in certain estimates of proposed changes in health care programs.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of Health Analysis

Chapin White is a health economist who joined CBO in 2004 and then worked at the Rand Corporation and the Center for Studying Health System Change before rejoining CBO in 2020. His areas of expertise include price transparency, health insurance coverage, provider payment policy, surprise billing, and microsimulation modeling. He holds an A.B. from Harvard College, an M.P.P. from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a Ph.D. in health policy from Harvard University.

Deputy Director of Health Analysis

Tamara Hayford became the Deputy Director of Health Analysis in June 2023. She was previously the Chief of the Health Policy Studies Unit. In that role, she oversaw reports and policy analysis on topics such as prescription drugs, the opioid crisis, mental health, and other public health issues. In addition, she guided a team of researchers analyzing the impacts that proposed legislation and regulatory changes affecting prescription drug pricing could have on the federal budget and the long-term pipeline for pharmaceutical innovation. She joined CBO in 2009 as an analyst and worked on various health care topics, including prescription drugs, spending patterns and access to care for people who are dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid, providers’ responses to changes in payment rates and demand for services, Medicare Advantage and risk adjustment, hospitals’ profitability, and quality measurement initiatives in the Medicare program. Dr. Hayford received her doctorate in economics from the University of Maryland, College Park. She received her bachelor’s degree in international relations and physics from the College of William and Mary, in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Director of Health Analysis Chapin White
Deputy Director of Health Analysis Tamara Hayford
Health Insurance Modeling Unit
Chief, Health Insurance Modeling Unit Alexandra Minicozzi
Analyst Caroline Hanson
Analyst Nianyi Hong
Analyst Ben Hopkins
Analyst Claire Hou
Analyst Sean Lyons
Analyst Eamon Molloy
Analyst Romain Parsad
Analyst Allison Percy
Analyst Julianna Mack
Analyst Rajan Topiwala
Health Market Studies Unit
Chief, Health Market Studies Unit Berna Demiralp
Analyst Michael Cohen
Analyst Ru Ding
Analyst Grace Hwang
Analyst Jared Maeda
Analyst Daria Pelech
Analyst Rebecca Sachs
Analyst Eric Schulman
Analyst Joyce Shin
Health Policy Studies Unit
Chief, Health Policy Studies Unit Aditi Sen
Analyst Christopher Adams
Analyst Colin Baker
Analyst Lesley Baseman
Analyst Noelia Duchovny
Analyst Jing Guo
Analyst Scott Laughery
Analyst Chris Zogby
Analyst Anthony Montano
Analyst Kaylee Nielson

Labor, Income Security, and Long-Term Analysis Division

The Labor, Income Security, and Long-Term Analysis Division analyzes a range of federal programs and policies that include Social Security and programs related to education and income security. The division is also responsible for CBO’s long-term budget projections and collaborates on analyses of the long-term effects of proposed legislation.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of Labor, Income Security, and Long-Term Analysis

Julie Topoleski became CBO’s Director of Labor, Income Security, and Long-Term Analysis in January 2021. She previously served as a Deputy Director for Health, Retirement, and Long-Term Analysis. Before that, she was the chief of the Long-Term Analysis Unit, which is responsible for long-term projections of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the federal budget, as well as for long-term analysis of policy changes in those areas. As unit chief, she directed the annual publication of The Long-Term Budget Outlook and managed CBOLT, which is CBO’s long-term microsimulation model. She joined CBO in 2003 as an analyst, working on CBOLT, playing an integral role in long-run analyses of proposed changes to Social Security and Medicare, and helping write The Long-Term Budget Outlook. Dr. Topoleski received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Maryland and a B.A. in economics from Mary Washington College.

Director of Labor, Income Security, and Long-Term Analysis Julie Topoleski
Labor, Education, and Income Security Unit
Chief of the Labor, Education, and Income Security Unit Xiaotong Niu
Analyst Nabeel Alsalam
Analyst Justin Falk
Analyst Rebecca Heller
Analyst Nadia Karamcheva
Analyst Timothy Young
Analyst YeJin Ahn
Analyst Ian Shayne
Long-Term Analysis Unit
Chief, Long-Term Analysis Unit Molly Dahl
Analyst Alia Abdelkader
Analyst Xinzhe Cheng
Analyst Daniel Crown
Analyst Charles Pineles-Mark
Analyst Joseph Anderson
Analyst Katherine Starkey
Analyst Madeleine Fischer
Analyst Noah Swart
Analyst Lucy Yuan

Macroeconomic Analysis Division

The Macroeconomic Analysis Division analyzes the U.S. economy and its prospects. The division produces CBO’s economic projections, which underlie the agency’s budget projections. The division also studies various macroeconomic factors and relationships, such as changes in labor force participation, trends in productivity growth, and the roles of inflation and interest rates in the outlook for the economy and federal debt. In addition, the division performs modeling and dynamic analysis of the short-term and long-term effects on the economy of some proposed changes in federal tax and spending policies.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of Macroeconomic Analysis

Devrim Demirel came to CBO in 2013 from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he taught macroeconomics and conducted research in the fields of macroeconomic theory, international finance, and applied time series econometrics. In 2017, he became the chief of the Fiscal Policy Studies Unit. In that role, he led a team of economists analyzing the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy changes and how those effects alter budgetary outcomes. In 2024, he was promoted to be the director of the division. He received a doctorate and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Virginia, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Bilkent University, in Ankara, Türkiye.

Director of Macroeconomic Analysis Devrim Demirel
Senior Adviser John Seliski
Fiscal Studies Unit
Chief, Fiscal Studies Unit Jaeger Nelson
Analyst Aaron Betz
Analyst Junghoon Lee
Analyst Kyoung Mook Lim
Analyst Matthew Wilson
Macroeconomic Projections Unit
Chief, Macroeconomic Projections Unit Robert Arnold
Analyst Daniel Fried
Analyst Edward Gamber
Analyst Mark Lasky
Analyst Chandler Lester
Analyst Christine Ostrowski
Analyst Jeffrey Schafer
Analyst Nicholas Abushacra
Analyst Natalia Reyes
Analyst Griffin Young

Management, Business, and Information Services Division

The Management, Business, and Information Services Division provides administrative and support services for CBO. The division’s responsibilities include the agency’s human resources activities, financial management responsibilities, information and technology resources, library services, and facilities.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Management, Business, and Information Services

Mark Smith became CBO’s Chief Administrative Officer in January 2022, having advanced from his position as the agency’s Chief Financial Officer, which he had held since 2013. During his time as Chief Financial Officer, he handled all aspects of planning and implementing CBO’s budgetary and financial activities. Before he came to CBO, he served as a senior financial adviser for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in its Office of the Chief Financial Officer, where he directed and controlled the daily management, reporting, and analysis of the agency’s personnel dollars. In a previous role in DIA, he served as a senior financial resource manager; in that capacity, he participated in all aspects of the formulation, execution, and fiscal oversight of a budget covering almost all of DIA’s appropriated funding. He holds a B.S. in finance from George Mason University.

Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Management, Business, and Information Services Mark Smith
SharePoint Administrator Kelly Reed
Human Resources
Chief Human Resources Officer Dana Ealey
Human Resources Specialist Kate Green
Human Resources Specialist Annita Gulati
Human Resources Specialist Clarence Parson
Human Resources Specialist DaMischa Phillip
Human Resources Assistant Ashley Taybron
Intern Associate Eli Rossini
Information Resources Management and Technology Services
Chief Information Security Officer Tabitha Craig
Chief Information Officer Robert Whitley
Deputy Chief Information Officer Brian Allen
Senior Network Engineer Guanli Lu
Senior Systems Engineer Sreeram Pasham
Enterprise Architect Kristen L. Skinner
Senior Computer Systems Engineer Zhicheng Su
Systems Engineer Brad Hicks
Computer Systems Engineer Joann Liao
Systems Engineer Taoheed Osanyinpeju
Computer Support Specialist 2/3 Lamont Gray
Computer Support Specialist 2/3 Langdon Johnson IV
Computer Support Specialist 2/3 Aaron Johnson
Computer Support Specialist 2/3 Jared Schwartz
Office of Acquisition Management
Chief Acquisition Officer Caryn Thiboheim
Contract Specialist David Jackson Sr.
Office of Financial Management
Chief Financial Officer Tracy L. Henry
Controller Lauren DesJardins
Staff Accountant Jason Brown
Business Analyst (Acquisitions) Ashley Johnson
Budget Analyst Kamna Virmani
Office of Security and Administrative Services
Chief, Security and Administrative Services Phyllis E. Williams
Administrative Assistant Laverna Hill
Administrative Assistant Kim Swann
Administrative Assistant DeAnna Waters

Microeconomic Studies Division

The Microeconomic Studies Division analyzes a broad range of programs and policies with significant implications for the federal budget and the economy. They include federal policies related to energy and natural resources, climate and the environment, and federal investments in physical infrastructure, such as highways.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of Microeconomic Analysis

Joseph Kile came to CBO in 2005, following 16 years in various positions at the Government Accountability Office (GAO). While at that agency, he led the Center for Economics, within the Applied Research and Methods Team—overseeing a group of economists that provided analyses and reviews of a broad range of issues. Before that, he was a senior economist and an assistant director within GAO’s Office of the Chief Economist. His analyses focused, in particular, on the issues of transportation (especially aviation financing, airline competition, and air service to small communities), energy, natural resources and the environment, and the pharmaceutical industry. Joseph Kile received a master’s degree and a doctorate in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His bachelor’s degree in economics and mathematics is from St. Olaf College, in Northfield, Minnesota.

Director of Microeconomic Analysis Joseph Kile
Energy, Climate, and Environment Unit
Chief of the Energy, Climate, and Environment Unit Nicholas Chase
Analyst David Adler
Analyst David Austin
Analyst Kenneth Austin Castellanos
Analyst Ron Gecan
Analyst Evan Herrnstadt
Analyst William Swanson
Analyst Gokce Akin-Olcum
Analyst Jared Jageler
Analyst Caroline Nielsen
Transportation, Public Investment, and Commerce Unit
Analyst Sheila Campbell
Analyst Nathan Musick
Analyst Chad Shirley

National Security Division

The National Security Division analyzes policy issues related to the defense budget, veterans’ affairs, and homeland security. The division examines the long-term costs of the Defense Department’s plans, alternative ways of achieving certain military capabilities, and the benefits and drawbacks of possible changes in military compensation and veterans’ benefits.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of National Security Analysis

David Mosher returned to CBO in June 2010, resuming with the agency after having been a principal analyst at CBO from 1990 to 2000 in the division that he now leads. In the decade in between his time at CBO, he was a senior policy analyst at RAND. During his time at RAND, David Mosher was also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and served as the director of the American Physical Society’s Study Group on Boost-Phase Intercept Systems for National Missile Defense. His research focused on environmental issues for the Army in contingency operations; ballistic missile defense; military use of space; nuclear proliferation; nuclear weapons; the role of the military and the National Guard in homeland security; special forces aviation; Army strategy; and terrorists’ acquisition and use of nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons. David Mosher holds an M.P.A. from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, and a B.A. in physics from Grinnell College, in Grinnell, Iowa.

Deputy Director of National Security Analysis

Edward G. Keating joined CBO in January 2017 as the Deputy Director of the National Security Division. Before coming to CBO, he worked for 24 years as an economist at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, California. His research at RAND focused on helping government agencies, especially the Department of Defense, make cost-effective decisions; specific areas of research included the effects of aging on aircraft, when and whether to repair or replace military hardware, how the Department of Defense should structure its internal transfer pricing, military and civilian compensation policies, how the Forest Service should structure its aerial firefighting fleet, and the effects of government spending on economic development. He has published widely in RAND publications and in professional and trade journals. He earned a Ph.D. in economic analysis and policy from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a B.A. in mathematical methods in the social sciences and economics from Northwestern University.

Director of National Security Analysis David Mosher
Deputy Director of National Security Analysis Edward G. Keating
Analyst Nikhil Bhandarkar
Manpower and Support Unit
Analyst R. Derek Trunkey
Analyst F. Matthew Woodward
Weapon Systems Unit
Analyst David Arthur
Analyst Michael Bennett
Analyst Eric J. Labs
Analyst Christopher Martin
Analyst Adam Talaber
Analyst Ryan Snyder
Intern Associate Jamaal Evans

Publications and Digital Media Division

The Publications and Digital Media Division helps ensure that CBO's analyses are clearly presented and explained and that they are widely available. The division includes editors, graphics editors, a web designer, and web developers.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of Publications and Digital Media

Lindsay Donofrio joined CBO in February 2025 as its Director of the Publications and Digital Media Division. She leads a division that includes the functions of editing and graphics editing and the functions of managing and developing CBO's website and other venues for communicating. Previously, she was the Director of Editorial Production at the Cato Institute, where she led a team of editors and oversaw the production of policy papers across research disciplines. Before joining the Cato Institute, she was a health policy editor at Health Affairs, and earlier in her career, she worked as an account executive at the public relations firm Edelman. She earned her master's degree in publishing from George Washington University and her B.A. from Ohio State University.

Director of Publishing and Digital Media Lindsay Donofrio
Editor in Chief John Skeen
Managing Editor Lora Engdahl
Operations Editor Christine Bogusz
Editor Christine Browne
Editor Scott Craver
Graphics Editor Casey Labrack
Editor Rebecca Lanning
Editor Bo Peery
Graphics Editor Bob Rebach
Graphics Editor Jorge Salazar
Editor Caitlin Verboon
Assistant Editor Michael Fialkowski
Assistant Editor Brett Kessler
Web Developer Maria Aquino
Web Developer Rob Dean
Web Designer Annette Kalicki

Tax Analysis Division

The Tax Analysis Division projects future federal revenues (from individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes, and other sources), using economic models and microsimulation techniques. The division also analyzes the distribution of federal taxes and spending, and it examines how possible changes in tax law would affect the behavior of taxpayers and the overall economy.

Biographies and Staff Listings
Director of Tax Analysis

John McClelland came to CBO in August 2016 following 18 years at the Department of the Treasury. At that agency, he most recently was Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of Tax Analysis (OTA). Before that, at OTA, he was the Director of Revenue Estimating; in that role, he was responsible for the Administration’s estimates of the revenue consequences of all tax proposals. Over the course of his tenure at OTA, he worked on a variety of topics in taxation, with a particular focus on business taxes and the consequences of potential reforms. Earlier in his time at the Treasury Department, he was the analyst responsible for the forecasts of revenues from the corporate income tax and a variety of excise taxes. John McClelland received his doctorate in economics from the University of Maryland, College Park. He received his bachelor’s degree in economics, mathematics, and environmental studies from Bowdoin College, in Brunswick, Maine.

Director of Tax Analysis John McClelland
Senior Adviser Kevin Perese
Revenue Projections Unit
Chief, Revenue Projections Unit Joshua Shakin
Analyst Kathleen Burke
Analyst Nathaniel Frentz
Analyst Jennifer Shand
Analyst Ellen Steele
Analyst Jack Lynch
Analyst Daniel Page
Tax Modeling Unit
Chief, Tax Modeling Unit Edward Harris
Analyst Bilal Habib
Analyst James Pearce
Analyst Kurt Seibert
Analyst Naveen Singhal
Tax Studies Unit
Chief, Tax Studies Unit Molly Saunders-Scott
Analyst Dorian Carloni
Analyst Shannon Mok
Analyst Molly Sherlock
Analyst James Williamson