The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2017 to 2027


If current laws remained generally unchanged, deficits would follow an upward trajectory over the next decade, driving up federal debt. CBO projects moderate economic growth during that period.

Subsequent projections appear in Budget and Economic Outlook and Updates.

Data and Supplemental Information

Baseline Projections for Education

Corrections and Updates

On January 24, 2017, the file containing data about potential GDP and underlying inputs was reposted with corrections.

On January 25, 2017, CBO reposted this report with corrected values in Table 1-3 (page 19) and also reposted the spreadsheet of 10-year budget projections that contains Table 1-3. Also on January 25, 2017, CBO reposted the baseline projections for student loan programs with corrections to Table 4.

On February 3, 2017, CBO reposted the baseline projections for Pell grant programs to update the maximum award level set by the Department of Education, shown in Table 2.

On March 15, 2017, CBO reposted this report with corrected values in Appendix B (on pages 83 through 86).

On April 12, 2019, CBO reposted the file for the report with corrections to Table 2-3, along with the file of potential GDP and underlying inputs with the same corrections. The changes correct errors in the calculations of the contributions of labor and capital to growth in nonfarm business output, as well as errors in other calculations that result from those.