An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook: 2017 to 2027


Under current law, deficits in CBO’s baseline projections continue to climb over the next decade, driving up federal debt. Economic growth remains modest, at about 2.0 percent through 2018 and then 1.9 percent later in the period.

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Subsequent projections appear in Budget and Economic Outlook and Updates.

Data and Supplemental Information

Baseline Projections for Education

Baseline Projections for Health

Corrections and Updates

On June 30, 2017, CBO reposted the baseline projections for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to correct all of the values on page 2 as they had mistakenly been reported using the 2016-2026 budget window.

On July 5, 2017, CBO reposted the baseline projections for the Highway Trust Fund Accounts to correct the table to accurately reflect the projected outlays and end-of-year shortfall for the Highway Account as there was an error in the formula.

On October 12, 2017, CBO reposted the file of 10-year economic projections with an expanded set of variables, including the nominal exchange rate, labor productivity, the federal funds rate, and several components of real and nominal GDP.

On April 12, 2019, CBO reposted the file of potential GDP and underlying inputs with corrections. The changes correct errors in the calculations of the contributions of labor and capital to growth in nonfarm business output, as well as errors in other calculations that result from those.

On June 20, 2024, CBO reposted the file "Data Underlying Figures and Supplemental Materials" to include quarterly data on investment underlying the agency's June 2017 economic forecast.