Under the three alternatives in the Navy’s 2024 plan, total shipbuilding costs would average about $34 billion to $36 billion per year (in 2023 dollars) through 2053, CBO estimates, as the Navy built a fleet of 319 to 367 battle force ships.
October 2023
CBO analyzes the Department of Defense’s plans for 2024 through 2028 as presented in the 2024 Future Years Defense Program. Under those plans, CBO projects, defense costs would increase by 10 percent between 2028 and 2038.
CBO’s Director of Health Analysis, Chapin White, testifies on alternative payment models and the slowdown in federal health care spending.
Chad Shirley, a principal analyst at CBO, testifies on the status of the Highway Trust Fund before the House Transportation Committee’s Highway and Transit Subcommittee.
In this report, the latest in a quarterly series, CBO highlights its recent publications and summarizes its work in progress.
CBO’s Director Phillip Swagel discusses the presentation he gave Thursday on the fiscal outlook at a Federal Bar Association conference.
The federal budget deficit was $1.7 trillion in fiscal year 2023, CBO estimates—$0.3 trillion more than the shortfall recorded during fiscal year 2022.
To enhance its work for the Congress, CBO is looking for new research on factors that affect the use of anti-obesity medications and the impact of that use on other health care spending.