CBO describes its current view of the economy over the next two years, compares that view with projections of other forecasters and with those that CBO made previously, and explains the implications for the federal budget.
November 2022
CBO outlines how it analyzes public-private risk sharing in the federal terrorism insurance, crop insurance, and flood insurance programs. The agency also describes how that risk sharing affects the federal budget.
CBO examines trends in funding and spending for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster Relief Fund and provides information about how CBO treats that program in its baseline and cost estimates.
CBO examines trends in funding and spending for the Army Corps of Engineers and explains how CBO treats that agency’s activities in its baseline and cost estimates.
CBO estimates that the total cost to eliminate the deferred maintenance backlog for buildings in use on Army bases in the United States, and to renovate and modernize the Army’s buildings, would be $54 billion (measured in 2020 dollars).
CBO describes the Housing Trust Fund's and Capital Magnet Fund's income, spending, and budgetary impact, how their grants are used in the production of low-income housing, and how the funds compare with other support for affordable housing.
CBO regularly analyzes the distribution of income in the United States and how it has changed over time. This report presents the distributions of household income, means-tested transfers, and federal taxes between 1979 and 2019.
Under the three alternatives in the Navy’s 2023 plan, total shipbuilding costs would average about $30 billion to $33 billion per year (in 2022 dollars) through 2052, CBO estimates, as the Navy built a fleet of 316 to 367 battle force ships.
In fiscal year 2022, the federal deficit totaled nearly $1.4 trillion. That deficit was equal to 5.5 percent of GDP, down from 12.3 percent in 2021, but still larger than the 4.6 percent recorded in 2019—the most recent year not affected by the pandemic.
CBO congratulates the Australian Parliamentary Budget Office on its 10th anniversary and highlights the role of independent fiscal institutions.