S. 1457 would authorize the Administration to negotiate and enter an income tax agreement with Taiwan. The bill would require that agreement to relieve American and Taiwanese tax residents from double taxation and implement measures to limit the risk of tax evasion or avoidance. Implementing such an agreement would require a future concurrent resolution of approval from the Congress. On that basis, CBO estimates that enacting S. 1457 would not affect revenues or direct spending over the 2023-2033 period; any such effects would be attributable to the legislation that approved the agreement between the United States and Taiwan.
S. 1457 would also establish standards for communication between the Administration and the Congress during the negotiation and approval process. Using information about the cost of similar requirements, CBO estimates meeting these standards would cost less than $500,000 over the 2023-2028 period; any spending would be subject to availability of appropriated funds.