July 26, 2017 Cost Estimate Selected provisions of an amendment in the nature of a substitute (ERN17500), as requested by the Democratic staff of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions View Document107.21 KB Summary Three tables: Table 1. Estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of selected provisions from H.R. 1628 Table 2. Estimate of the net budgetary effects of the insurance coverage provisions of selected provisions from H.R. 1628 Table 3. Effects of selected provisions from H.R. 1628 on health insurance coverage for people under age 65 Legislative Information Available From Congress.gov
Three tables: Table 1. Estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of selected provisions from H.R. 1628 Table 2. Estimate of the net budgetary effects of the insurance coverage provisions of selected provisions from H.R. 1628 Table 3. Effects of selected provisions from H.R. 1628 on health insurance coverage for people under age 65