As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on July 25, 2012
S. 847 would modify the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the law that regulates the manufacture, importation, and processing of chemicals, with the aim of shifting the burden from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to chemical manufacturers to prove that substances are safe before they enter the marketplace. This new responsibility for chemical manufacturers would be accomplished primarily by increasing the amount of information about chemical toxicity and usage that they would be required to submit to EPA. Enacting this legislation also would require EPA to undertake other activities that would encourage and support the development of safer alternatives to existing hazardous chemical substances.
CBO estimates that implementing this legislation would cost $128 million over the next five years, assuming appropriation of the necessary amounts, as EPA would incur additional administrative costs to meet the new requirements imposed by S. 847.
Enacting S. 847 could affect direct spending and revenues because the bill would increase some existing civil and criminal penalties for violations of TSCA, establish some new civil and criminal penalties for violations related to that act, and authorize EPA to charge fees to chemical manufacturers. Therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures apply to S. 847. CBO estimates that any changes in revenues and direct spending would not be significant.