- Presentation
How the Expiring Individual Income Tax Provisions in the 2017 Tax Act Affect CBO’s Economic Forecast
CBO’s economic forecast reflects current law, including the expiration, at the end of 2025, of some provisions of the 2017 tax act. CBO analyzed how the expiration of those provisions affected projections that it published in February 2024.
- Presentation
CBO describes how it uses its capital tax model, called CapTax, to estimate the effects that changes in deductions to recover the cost of new investment have on the incentives to invest in capital.
- Cost Estimate
The Majority Leader of the House of Representatives announces bills that will be considered under suspension of the rules in that chamber. CBO estimates the effects of those bills on direct spending and revenues.
- Blog Post
CBO’s Director describes how expiring provisions of the 2017 tax act affect the agency’s baseline projections and reviews some information that has become available since CBO first estimated the effects of the tax act in April 2018.
- Blog Post
CBO announces the release schedule for several upcoming publications that will provide insights on the federal budget and the economy.
- Cost Estimate
As reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on May 16, 2024
- Cost Estimate
As reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on September 10, 2024
- Cost Estimate
As reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on September 10, 2024
- Cost Estimate
As reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on December 20, 2023
- Cost Estimate
As reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on January 9, 2024