- Working Paper
This working paper extends a previous CBO analysis that estimates the relationship between federal government debt and long-term interest rates, a key parameter in the agency’s long-run projections of interest rates.
- Working Paper
The Effects of Flood Damage on the Subsidy Cost of Federally Backed Mortgages: Working Paper 2024-04
CBO uses data on mortgages and expected flood damage for each residential property in the United States to examine how much flood damage is expected to increase the cost of federally backed mortgages.
- Working Paper
This working paper provides estimates of the flood damage avoided from property buyouts and elevations and analyzes how the effects of adaptation spending could vary across regions, by area income, and for different subsets of projects.
- Working Paper
How CBO Uses the ReEDS Model to Analyze Policies in the Electric Power Sector: Working Paper 2024-02
This working paper provides an overview of CBO-ReEDS, an adapted version of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Regional Energy Deployment System (NREL’s ReEDS) model for analyzing policies in the electric power sector.
- Working Paper
This paper describes how CBO projects consumer price inflation.
- Working Paper
This paper describes how CBO uses a Bayesian vector autoregression method to generate alternative economic projections to the agency’s baseline.
- Working Paper
On a present-value basis, CBO estimates that long-term fiscal effects of Medicaid spending on children could offset half or more of the program’s initial outlays, depending on sets of reasonable parameter values.
- Working Paper
This paper presents a simulation model of the markets for light-duty electric vehicles and the associated public charging infrastructure, as well as the network interactions between them.
- Working Paper
This paper provides evidence that supply disruptions, low economic slack, and the interaction of restrained supply with low slack each amplify the effects of expansionary fiscal policies on inflation.
- Working Paper
The U.S. dollar’s status as an international currency has contributed to persistent U.S. trade deficits and, by lowering interest rates, to increased access to credit for U.S. households, businesses, and the federal government.