CBO's graphics guide contains examples of the wide variety of graphics that have been produced for publications at the agency. It also includes examples of how various techniques can be applied to graphics to help convey their message.
This guide contains examples of the wide variety of graphics that have been produced for various publications at the Congressional Budget Office. As authors and reviewers at CBO consider ways to make forthcoming publications more informative and visually engaging, the collection may be a useful resource, as are CBO’s graphics editors.
Besides presenting examples of common graphics, this guide also includes examples of how various techniques (such as annotations, captions, insets, nesting, and small multiples) can be applied to common graphics to help those graphics convey their message.
In addition, the collection presents examples of less common graphics (such as Sankey diagrams, Marimekko charts, timelines, maps, heatmaps, and treemaps). As some of those examples suggest, CBO’s graphics are not limited to conveying data; they can also illustrate concepts or processes.