H.R. 5682 would extend the authority for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to accept donations of real and personal property, including monetary donations, from federal and nonfederal entities to establish or improve CBP facilities at ports of entry. The authority to accept donations expired in December 2021 under current law; H.R. 5682 would extend this authority until December 2026. The bill also would allow CBP to accept donations for improvements at ports of entry that are leased by the federal government; under current law, that authority only applies to ports of entry owned by the federal government.
Enacting H.R. 5682 could affect direct spending by increasing CBP’s collections and spending of donations. CBO expects that any donations, which are classified in the budget as offsetting receipts or reductions in direct spending, would be spent soon thereafter, resulting in a negligible effect on net direct spending.