S. Con. Res. 14, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2022, instructed some committees of the House of Representatives to recommend legislative changes, which would increase deficits up to a specified amount over the 2022‑2031 period. As part of this reconciliation process, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform approved legislation on September 2, 2021, with provisions that would increase deficits.
The legislation would appropriate roughly $15.5 billion to provide funds primarily to acquire or lease electric vehicles and upgrade information technologies and for oversight of those programs by Inspectors General and the Government Accountability Office. CBO estimates the legislation would increase direct spending by about $14 billion over the 2022-2031 period.
The costs of the legislation, detailed in Table 1, fall within budget functions 370 (commerce and housing credit) and 800 (general government).