CBO’s Panel of Health Advisers consists of widely recognized experts in health policy and the health care sector. Members of the panel have a variety of backgrounds, areas of expertise, and experience. We host an annual meeting of the panel so that its members can discuss important issues in their areas of expertise and advise us on our analyses. In addition, we engage with members of the panel throughout the year—for example, calling on them for advice on how to address analytical questions that arise in the preparation of studies and cost estimates. Through those interactions, we and our analyses benefit from the advisers’ understanding of cutting-edge research and the latest real-world developments in health care delivery and financing. Although the advisers provide considerable assistance, CBO is solely responsible for the accuracy of its work.
Today I would like to announce the members of the Panel of Health Advisers for the coming year:
- Katherine Baicker
- Amitabh Chandra
- Michael Chernew
- Leemore Dafny
- Melissa Favreault
- Craig Garthwaite
- Darrell Gaskin
- Gautam Gowrisankaran
- Kate Ho
- David Lansky
- Thomas Lee
- Catherine Livingston
- Patricia MacTaggart
- David Meltzer
- Teresa Miller
- Peter Neumann
- Jonathan Perlin
- Daniel Polsky
- Lewis Sandy
- Kosali Simon
- Cori Uccello
Members of CBO’s Panel of Health Advisers are selected to represent a variety of perspectives and backgrounds so that the agency can gather information and insights from experts with diverse views as well as from the interactions between those experts at panel meetings. The panelists’ affiliations are shown on CBO’s website. CBO requires panelists to disclose to the agency any substantial political activity in which they may be involved and any significant financial interests they may have.
CBO also has a Panel of Economic Advisers.
Phillip L. Swagel is CBO’s Director.