Appropriate $54 billion for the Department of Commerce and other federal agencies to implement programs to strengthen domestic industries that produce semiconductors, microchips, and telecommunication equipment
Extend National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) authority to enter into enhanced-use lease agreements
Specifically authorize the appropriation of about $190 billion for various provisions in all divisions aimed to strengthen the Nation’s domestic technology markets to better compete globally
Increase the cost of a private-sector mandate by changing the fee structure for filing a pre-merger notification with the Federal Trade Commission; expand existing mandates on colleges and universities for reporting foreign gifts
Estimated budgetary effects would primarily stem from
An increase in direct spending by appropriating $54.2 billion to strengthen capacity to produce semiconductors, microchips, and telecommunication technology domestically
Additional use of enhance-use lease agreements by NASA
Broader authority for certain educational foundations to invest in securities other than public-debt securities and spend interest earnings