For people who are not very familiar with the federal budget, it can be a challenge to find out how much the government spends and takes in each year and what programs and revenue sources account for the largest portions of those budgetary flows.
To help provide that information in an accessible format, today CBO is releasing a set of four budget infographics, which offer a detailed look at fiscal year 2017 as well as broader trends over the past few decades. You can view the infographics below—the first focuses on the overall budget and the other three focus on its components:
- The Federal Budget in 2017
- Mandatory Spending in 2017
- Discretionary Spending in 2017
- Revenues in 2017
If you’re interested in the outlook for spending and revenues over the next decade, CBO will publish its next Budget and Economic Outlook on April 9.
Leigh Angres is CBO’s Associate Director for Legislative Affairs.