H.R. 3134 would, for a one-year period following enactment, prohibit federal funds from being made available to Planned Parenthood Federation of America or any of its affiliates or clinics (collectively referred to as Planned Parenthood for this estimate), unless such entities certify that the affiliates or clinics will not perform, and will not provide any funds to any other entity that performs, an abortion during such period.
The effects that H.R. 3134 would have on federal spending are highly uncertain and would depend largely on the extent to which individuals who otherwise would obtain Medicaid-funded services from Planned Parenthood would either:
Continue to obtain services from Planned Parenthood without Medicaid reimbursement;
Obtain services from other health clinics and medical practitioners that receive Medicaid reimbursement; or,
No longer obtain such services.
After considering a range of possible outcomes, CBO estimates that the center of that range would be a reduction in direct spending totaling $235 million over the 2016-2025 period. Because enacting this legislation would affect direct spending, pay-as-you-go procedures apply. Enacting the bill would not affect revenues.
H.R. 3134 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.