As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration
on July 24, 2013
S. 375 would amend the Federal Election Campaign Act to require all Senate election-related designations, statements, and reports to be filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in an electronic format. Currently, that information is filed on paper with the Senate, copied, and transmitted to the FEC where it is then converted to an electronic format. Based on information from the FEC and the Secretary of the Senate, CBO estimates that implementing S. 375 would reduce administrative costs by about $500,000 annually, assuming future discretionary appropriations are reduced.
S. 375 also could affect federal revenues by increasing the collection of fines and penalties from violations of campaign finance laws. Such collections are recorded in the budget as revenues. Therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures apply to the bill; however, CBO estimates that any additional collections of penalties and fines resulting from this legislation would not be significant.