How much did the federal government collect in individual income taxes in fiscal year 2011? How much did it spend on health care programs or on defense? To provide ready answers to those questions, CBO has prepared three infographics examining the following components of the federal budget:
These infographics provide a more detailed look at the material presented in CBO's infographic on the federal budget—released last December—which provided an overview of some key elements of the budget and a visual history of the budget deficit and federal debt over the past 40 years.
Today's releases are the latest installments in CBO's effort to make budgetary information more accessible. Over the last several months, CBO has published:
- An infographic on the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which summarizes the most pertinent details about the program since its inception.
- A set of slides on the outlook for the budget and economy as of January 2012. (Those budget projections have since been updated to reflect more recent information.)
- An infographic on Social Security, which provides historical statistics and projections regarding the program's financial status and its beneficiaries. (CBO's updated long-term projections for Social Security will be released early this summer.)
Jonathan Schwabish of CBO's Health and Human Resources Division and Courtney Griffith of
CBO's communications team prepared today's infographics.