Panel of Economic Advisers

Posted on
April 24, 2009

CBO has a panel of economic advisers that includes many distinguished economists (some of whom are former CBO directors). We host periodic meetings of the advisers at our office and solicit the advisers views between meetings via email exchanges and phone calls. Through these interactions, we benefit from the advisers understanding of cutting-edge research, current economic conditions and the economic outlook, and the budget and economic policy process. As a result of the advisers comments, the quality of CBOs economic analysis is greatly enhanced. The advisers for 2009 are:

Henry J. Aaron, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Brookings Institution


Martin N. Baily, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Brookings Institution

Richard Berner, Ph.D.
Managing Director
Chief U.S. Economist
Morgan Stanley

Martin Feldstein, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Harvard University

Kristin J. Forbes, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Sloan School of Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Robert J. Gordon, Ph.D.
Professor of the Social Sciences
Northwestern University

Robert E. Hall, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Hoover Institution
Professor of Economics
Stanford University

Jan Hatzius, Ph.D.
Chief U.S. Economist
Goldman Sachs & Co.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Ph.D.
DHE Consulting, LLC


Simon Johnson, Ph.D.
Professor of Entrepreneurship
MIT-Sloan School of Management
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute
for International Economics

Lawrence Katz, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Harvard University

Anil Kashyap, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics and Finance
Booth School of Business
University of Chicago

Laurence H. Meyer, Ph.D.
Distinguished Scholar
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Vice Chairman
Macroeconomic Advisers

William D. Nordhaus, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Professor, School of Forestry and
Environmental Studies
Yale University

Rudolph G. Penner, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Urban Institute

Adam S. Posen, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
Peter G. Peterson Institute
for International Economics


James Poterba, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
President, NBER

Alice Rivlin, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Brookings Institution

Nouriel Roubini, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics and
International Business
Stern School of Business
New York University
Roubini Global Economics

Diane C. Swonk, Ph.D.
Senior Managing Director
Chief Economist
Mesirow Financial

Stephen P. Zeldes, Ph.D.
Professor of Finance and Economics
Graduate School of Business
Columbia University

We appreciate these advisers contribution to our work, and we look forward to continuing to benefit from their knowledge and experience.