The federal budget deficit was $1.5 trillion in the first 10 months of fiscal year 2024, CBO estimates—$103 billion less than the deficit recorded during the same period last fiscal year.
CBO Blog
CBO reports annually on programs whose authorizations of appropriations have already expired or will expire.
An increase in immigration over the 2021–2026 period boosts federal revenues as well as mandatory spending and interest on the debt in CBO’s baseline projections, lowering deficits, on net, by $0.9 trillion over the 2024–2034 period.
In this report, the latest in a quarterly series, CBO highlights its recent publications and summarizes its work in progress.
CBO examines how the share of properties at risk of flooding that are covered by policies purchased through the National Flood Insurance Program varies across communities with different economic and demographic characteristics.
The federal budget deficit was $1.3 trillion in the first nine months of fiscal year 2024, CB0 estimates—$118 billion less than the deficit recorded during the same period last fiscal year.
CBO’s Director, Phillip Swagel, testifies about the agency's most recent analysis of the outlook for the budget and the economy before the Senate Budget Committee.
CBO announces the members of its Panel of Health Advisers for the coming year.
CBO describes the discretionary spending proposals in the President’s 2025 budget and compares them with CBO’s most recent baseline budget projections, which span the years from 2024 to 2034.
CBO published updated baseline projections of health insurance coverage and federal subsidies for it. The projections are described in an article published in the journal "Health Affairs" and a presentation on CBO’s website.