CBO Is One of the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government

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Keith Hall
December 14, 2018

I am delighted to announce that this week, CBO was recognized by the Partnership for Public Service as one of the best places to work in the federal government. CBO ranked third among 29 agencies in the small-agency category.


The Partnership evaluates agencies using the results of employee satisfaction surveys, which examine factors that affect employees’ engagement. Those factors include the match between employees’ skills and agencies’ mission, balance between employees’ work and the rest of their life, strong communication, and effective leadership. Results for all participating federal agencies are available at www.bestplacestowork.org.

This recognition confirms what those of us who are privileged to be part of CBO already know. CBO is a great place to work. We have talented, dedicated, and kind colleagues. We are all working toward a mission that is important to the Congress and the public. And we are striving to learn, innovate, and improve.

It is the commitment of CBO’s staff to their work and to each other that has created such a wonderful environment here. I’m grateful every day to be a member of this group.

Keith Hall is CBO’s Director.